It’s Fundamental
I spend way too much time on fundamentals with my students and myself. Most of the time in lessons we spend most of the lesson on the first couple of Continue Reading →
Game, Set, Match
Do you set your embouchure for the first note in every phrase? If so you may be missing a chance to make your best sound on the entire phrase. Many Continue Reading →
The Lone Arranger
With this month being the announcement of the release of a number of my hitherto unpublished trombone choir arrangements, I want to give a background on the why and how Continue Reading →
More Uncle Blabby
Here’s a question from a trumpet player. Q: Players talk about “fast air” and resonate sound in almost everything brass-playing related. I still have no idea how to change my playing Continue Reading →
An Introduction to Temperament
by Benjamin Coy Discussion about “lowered thirds,” “just intonation,” and “equal temperament” can be found just about anywhere, from orchestras to chamber ensembles to conservatories. However, the number of incomplete Continue Reading →