Deconstructing and Getting the Woof Out
I used this word the other day in an interview on David Cooper’s Instagram page. David is the Chicago Symphony’s new principal horn. I been thinking about it since then. Continue Reading →
Be a Master of Redundancy
by Kirk Lundbeck I’ve spent 47 years of my 61 playing and teaching trombone. Pretty much daily. It is sure joy to make a beautiful sound and send a message Continue Reading →
Put a Sock In It!
Lets do a how-to session this month. I am advocating for a universal nomenclature for mute indications and all their subtitles and instructions. When I get a part that’s been Continue Reading →
Malcolm Not In the Middle
In the last few years I’ve discovered a secret that has let me sound a lot more youthful than my actual age without resorting to smaller equipment. I’m sure I Continue Reading →
A Mountain or a Molehill?
At one time or another all of us brass players will find ourselves teaching our instrument to someone else. The big question is; what is our approach to imparting the Continue Reading →